Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Americas Hope

For years we have been living in a land of uncertainty.
Our government has proven they can't be trusted. They
make promises in order to get elected and never fulfill

Finally, we have some hope. John Boehner is a proven
leader, a man of dignity, and above all, a man of his word.

There is no doubt his heart is in the right place. His heartfelt
tears tell it all. I have never seen anyone in our government
ever show such love and compassion. Some may say that a
man who cries is weak, I disagree, I think a man who cries
has a beautiful soul.

For the first time in many years, I feel hope that America and its
Americans have a strong Republican leader who is committed to
the job.

He has his heart, his values, as well as his mind focused on the task at
hand. I have no doubt that he is the perfect man for the job. He has
all the qualities to move us forward. He stands up, he stands proud
and he speaks out for our America.

His beliefs of Constitution and the Bill of Rights, Capitalism and
Freedom is what our America was based on.  He is leading the
Republicans and the Tea Party in the direction to save America.

It is time for all Americans to get involved. Yes, we can say that
our Democratic Leadership has failed us, but we as Americans have
failed too. We should have kept a closer eye on our government and 
put a stop to their reckless spending and bad decisions, long ago.

But rest assured, it is not to late. We are down, but we are not out. 
By everyone pulling together and fighting the fight, America will
prevail! After all, we have a strong man, with a solid agenda, who
actually cares.

God Bless America!

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