Saturday, August 20, 2011

U.S. Soldier's "The True American Patriots"

Who else do you know that volunteers to put their lives on the line, sacrifice all of themselves and everyone and everything they hold dear to go to another country to fight for all of us?

They don't care if the guy that fights next to them is of a different race, religion or political status. All they care about is they are on their side.

I think some people need to learn from that. They are all united and working together for the same cause.

They endure the weather, unbearable sleeping and living conditions, limited food choices and I am sure many scary days and nights.

They only pray they live through it and get to come home again. Those of us who have never lived the life of a US Soldier can only imagine the horror.

They each have a calling to join our military and nothing you can say to them will ever convince them otherwise.

My wonderful father was a veteran of WWII. I miss him every day. And now my son is getting ready to go into the Marines.

I know I have to let him go as it too is his calling. But I can only pray that he too will come home again.

For all of those who have served, you are a true American Patriot. You are God's blessings to all o f us! Thank you for your unconditional sacrifice.

Do you have a military story to tell?

If so, email to

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Mr. President

By Tracy Allen on Wednesday, August 3, 2011 at 4:01pm

Why is it that nearly 10% of those who are working are paying 70% of the taxes? And 50% of Americans pay no taxes?

Nearly 40% percent of American's pay 30% of the tax bill, but you are wanting those who earn over $150,000 to pay more??? I certainly hope you are including yourself in that. How can you justify those who pay 70% in taxes needing to pay more?

The Clinton Administration spent over $500 million a day. Bush over 1.6 billion a day. You have spent over $4 billion a day. And yet you continuously smack on Bush. You have a lot of nerve.

During your entire Administration you have shown no remorse for the American people, cutting spending or even bothered to put together a yearly budget. All we have heard are excuses and lies.

Do you know the difference between an income statement and balance sheet and how they are used?

Get your priorities straight. Why are our troops not securing the borders of Mexico?

I do believe you have failed as our leader. You, your staff, your accountants and your family should be removed

from the White House, as you obviously don't know how to do anything except spend the hard earned money of the American people. And we are all tired of it.

The American people put you in office and together we will take you out...Being President is an honor and a priviledge that you have been entrusted with and those who voted for you made a terrible mistake. I certainly hope they don't make that mistake again come election day...

God Bless America!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

My Politics

I am a Jeffersonian and an anti Federalist, I am also a devout advocate and supporter of the principles and laws set forth in our Constitution by our founding fathers primarily Thomas Jefferson. By that I mean that I am strongly opposed to a centralized big government. I am totally committed to the restoration of full sovereignty rights to all states of the Union. I deem it absolutely vital and crucial to reduce the present size and power of our government by no less then 60%, if we are to once and for all extinguish the threat of oppression and totalitarianism from ever taking root in America. For it is the people NOT! the government who are the true power and rulers of our country, and it is the government who are subjects to the people and NOT the other way around. I also believe that we must dissolve the executive powers of the President, and transfer all over to Congress as it was before on September 5, 1774 . The presidential office has become an office of almost unlimited powers, and ...WILL!. very soon become an office for life. I would like to quote a passage made by Thomas Jefferson when he reflected his concerns regarding the Presidential office, and the dangers this office poses to our beloved Republic and our way of government:


Thomas Jefferson to John Adams,

1787. ME 6:370

"[The] President seems a bad edition of a Polish King. He may be elected from four years to four years, for life. Reason and experience prove to us, that a chief magistrate, so continual, is an office for life. When one or two generations shall have proved that this is an office for life, it becomes, on every occasion, worthy of intrigue, of bribery, of force, and even of foreign interference. It will be of great consequence to France and England to have America governed by a Galloman or Angloman. Once in office, and possessing the military force of the Union, without the aid or check of a council, he would not be easily dethroned, even if the people could be induced to withdraw their votes from him. I wish that at the end of the four years, they had made him forever ineligible a second time."


Our Domestic Enemies

Now lets address perhaps our countries most dangerous enemy. THE TRAITOR AMONGST US! This is by far the most vial, dangerous and the most evil. He or she, like a parasite lives off others. He or she creates nothing, contributes nothing to the community in which they reside. All they do is take and take, they have no sense of loyalty or devotion to anyone or to anything except themself, they know no country borders or boundries. They have no soul and will sell their country, friends, and even their family for their own personal gain. Rather it be financial, personal advancement or political power they will do anything to achieve their agenda.

It is these parasites which have contributed to the collapse and alienation of civilizations throughout history. It is due to these parasites that our beloved America is facing the very serious crisies that she is encountering today.

In the words of Marcus  Tullius Cicero where he stated the following:

A Nation can survive its fools and even ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor, he speaks in accents familiar to his victim, and wears their face and their arguements. He appeals to the baseness that lies in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city. He infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. A traitor is the plague.

America's Enemies

Let's face it. We have many enemies...We are being attacked by two fronts and by two different kinds of foe. The first one is foreign (from the outside) and the second is domestic (from within). As far as the foreign enemies as everyone knows we have been fighting the war on terrorism for years, but what many believe is that we are fighting against Islam. But it is not the true Islamic people or the Islam of the prophet Muhammad. No what we are fighting is a certain group within the Islamic faith, not Islam itself. A true Muslim would respect the beliefs and ideologies of other people and their religeons. They are truly spiritual and peaceful people. We have a group within Iran (radicals) who use Islam as their shield for their greed and personal gain. Muslims believe in all the Christian and Jewish prophets such as Moses, Abraham and Daniel. And although they do not believe that Jesus was the son of God, but merely a very important prophet. So therefore, a true Muslim would never wish to harm others.
In 628 AD, a delegation from St. Catherine's Monastery came to Prophet Muhammad and requested his protection. He responded by granting them a charter of rights, which I reproduced below in its entirety. St.Catherine's Monastery is located at the foot of Mt. Sinai and is the world's oldest monastery. It possesses a huge collection of Christian Manuscripts (second only to the Vatican) and is a world heritage site. It also boasts the oldest collection of Christian icons. It is a treasure house of Christian history that has remained safe for over 1,400 years under Muslim protection.
This is a message from Muhammad Abdullah, as a covenant to those who adopt Christianity, near and far, we are with them. Verily I, the servants, the helpers and my followers, defend them, because Christains are my citizens, and by Allah! I hold out against anything that displeases them. No compulsion is to be on them.
Neither are their judges to be removed from their jobs or their monks from their monasteries. No one is to destroy a house of their religeon, damage it or to carry anything from it to Muslim houses. Should anyone take any of these, he would spoil God's covenant and disobey his Prophet. Verily they are my allies and have my secure charter against all that they hate. No one is to force them to travel or to oblige them to fight. The Muslims are to fight for them. If a female christain is married to a Muslim, it is not to take place without her approval. She is not to be prevented from visiting the church to pray. Their churches are to be respected.
They are neither to be prevented from repairing them nor the sacredness of their covenants. No one of the nation (Muslims) is to disobey the covenants until the last day. "End of the World"
So therefore, we are not being attacked by Islam, but rather radicals within.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Tracy J Allen - A Child's Cry

I am writing this in regard to children everywhere who are crying out for our help. There are innocent children all over the world being victimized. What are we doing about it? The news is always telling us about those children who are being kidnapped, raped, and killed. What about the children we don't hear about?

It is amazing to me that this kind of thing goes on. Children are the innocence of the world. They are the new beginning, the present and the future of the world. They don't ask much, only to be fed, sheltered, clothed and protected. Why is that so difficult for some people?

You hear about parents who abuse their children. I ask you, "What could a child possibly do that is so horrible that you could even find it inside yourself to do such a thing?"

When I look at a child, I see the purity, love and kindness in the world. They reach out their little hand for guidance from us to teach them. They count on us to catch them when they fall, clean them up when they are dirty, feed them when they are hungry and lay our life on the line for them to keep the demons away.

Think about the children that are being abused right now, this very minute, that no one is aware of. They are locked in a closet, scared and starving. Then, while their insides are in knots and they are about to pass out from the torment they have somehow survived from, the angry abusive person comes back and starts hurting them again. "Why?"

They lie there crying inside, wondering what they did to make their mom, dad, uncle, sister, brother, friend or that stranger so mad at them. They promise never to do anything bad again, but their promises are unheard and the tormenting, starts all over again. I can't imagine what goes on in the mind of an abused child. They haven't lived a long enough life to even know the evils of the world. So, they continue to live in their own private nightmare.

I beg of everyone to keep their eyes and ears open. Watch your neighbors, friends, and family members. If something doesn't feel right in your gut, check it out. Our instincts guide us, and chances are they are right. Millions of children are silently praying for our help all over the world. We can't continue to ignore the urgency of this terrible crime.

Parents, if you need help, get it! Don't let your children suffer for your mental illness. If you think you have the demon inside that could ever take over and hurt your children, get them out of your house. Give them to someone who will care for them. If you have no one, take them to the nearest Police Department and drop them off. Don't allow your children to become a victim at your own hand.

Children don't have the privilege of choosing who their parents are, but parents have the responsibility to protect them. Even if you are the one they need protecting from.